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Cinema Fans: We need to hear from you!

We hope that it’s not long now until we’ll be able to open our doors and welcome you back to the cinema – we can’t wait! 

As we prepare to safely reopen our cinema again, we really need your input so we can make sure that we know how you’re feeling about coming back to us and what you will need to feel confident and comfortable.

We have worked with the Independent Cinema Office to create a short online survey – it will ask you a series of questions about your experience of going to the cinema before Covid, whether you’ve been missing going to the cinema during lockdown and how you’re feeling about returning. Your responses are anonymous – they will be used to inform our own planning as well as being added to responses from all over the UK to help produce a national picture. 

We would be grateful if you would spare us a few minutes to complete the survey now.

Complete the survey now

Our research partners Indigo Ltd will only have access to your responses for analysis purposes and will not be able to see any of your personal information. 

Many thanks for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

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