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UPDATE: An Evening with Sam Warburton OBE : August 2021


In line with recent Welsh government announcements, the Memo Arts Centre and promoters Aitch & Aitch Bee have decided to proceed with An Audience with Sam Warburton on Saturday 21 August.

With that in mind, we wanted to reach out to update you on how we are going to operate moving forward as we aim to keep our staff and audiences as safe as possible when inside the venue.

We have agreed that in order to try to maintain both seat choices and some social distancing we will implement a ‘One Seat’ spacing between separate ticket bookings.

Other safety measures will also remain; the wearing of masks whilst entering and moving around the venue, hand sanitising stations around the building, enhanced venue cleaning, pre-ordering of refreshments and card only payments.

This will be our first large-scale live event at the Memo since 16th March 2020. Whilst being super excited to welcome audiences back, we aim to provide a safe and comfortable environment and want you to feel confident with our safety measures.

If you’d like to discuss any of the above, please contact us

We’re looking forward to seeing you!


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