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Memo Starlings

Memo Starlings is a new group where pre-school children and their grown-ups will be invited to play, create and learn together.

With a focus on open-ended play and natural resources, Starlings sessions will encourage your little ones to be creative and curious while developing their cognitive and social skills as well as their confidence. Expect lots of lovely toys and exploratory play resources, songs, stories, crafts – and that all important cuppa and a chat!

Sam Barnard is a qualified Senior Learning Support Assistant with more than a decade of experience in working with children. Specialising in the early years, outdoor learning and Forest School, Sam also has a background in theatre and television, and is passionate about developing creativity in young people and introducing them to the arts.

Find us on Instagram @memostarlings and use the hashtag on #MemoStarlings social media

Read our Memo Starlings House Rules 

Read our Memo Starlings COVID-19 Safety

Book Memo Starlings session tickets

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