Motherless Brooklyn follows Lionel Essrog (Edward Norton), a lonely private detective living with Tourette Syndrome, as he ventures to solve the murder of his mentor and only friend, Frank Minna (Bruce Willis). Armed only with a few clues and the engine of his obsessive mind, Lionel unravels closely guarded secrets that carry him from gin-soaked jazz clubs in Harlem to the hard-edged slums of Brooklyn and, finally, into the gilded halls of New York’s power brokers.
Running time: 144mins
Showings: Friday 03 January 8pm, Saturday 04 January 4pm, Monday 06 January 7:45pm, Tuesday 07 January 4:30pm
Tocynnau: £7, £5 concession, £4 U16 in advance (additional 0.50p on the door)
Time Credits will not be accepted on these screenings
Box Office:
01446 738622